다공체 소지의 기공 특성 분석-경량골재에서의 기공지수 Ic와 Is에 대하여

Analysis of Pore Characteristics on the Porous Body-Porosity Index of Ic and Is in Light Weight Aggregate

  • 권영진 (경기대학교 첨단산업공학부) ;
  • 이기강 (경기대학교 첨단산업공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


지정폐기물인 전기로 제강 분진은 현재 대부분이 매립 등 부적절하게 처리되고 있어 지하수 오염 등의 환경파괴를 일으킬 위험이 있다. 전기로 제강 분진의 자원화를 위하여 전기로 제강 분진/점토의 조성으로 다공체를 제조하였으며, 다공체의 기공 특성 분석을 하였다. 다공체는 서로 다른 두 개의 미세구조로 형성되어있으며, 표면부위의 미세구조는 치밀하고 검은색이 아니고, 내부부위는 검은색이며 다공성의 미세구조(black coring)를 갖는다. 블랙코아 부위의 면적과 경량화정도를 정량화하기 위하여 Ic(core index)와 Is(shell index)를 정의하였으며, 인공경량골재로서의 최적 경량화 조건은 Ic가 0.5이상이고, Is는 0.4이상이다.

EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) dust is classified as special wastes containing heavy metal contaminants may cause to damage an environment such as underground water contamination if they were not treated properly. For reutilizing the EAF dust, the porous body was made from EAF dust/clay composition system, and analyzed pore characteristics. It was found that a light-aggregate body was made up two different microstructures. One was non-black and dense microstructure which located near surface, and the other was black and porous microstructure (black coring) which located inner part. For systematizing the relationship of the black-coring area and the bloating degree, we defined the Ic(core index) and Is(shell index). It was found that the optimal bloating conditions of artificial light-weight aggregate were more than 0.5 of Ic and 0.4 of Is.



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  3. J. Kor. Solid Wastes Eng. Soc. v.13 no.1 Leaching of Valable Metal and Separation of Zn Component from the Solid Waste EAF Dust J.S.Hwang;C.H.Oh;C.T.Lee
  4. J. Kor. Solid Wastes Eng. Soc. v.13 no.1 Investigation on Recycling of Industrial Wastes Dust for Mineral Filler of Asphalt Concrete - Physical Properties of Civill Appraise - N.W.Lin;Y.G.Kim
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  9. ACAA 13th International Symposium on Managemet & Use of Coal Combustion Products v.1 no.3 Lightweigth Concrete Production Using Unsintered Fly Ash Pellet Aggregate G.Baykal;A.G.Doven
  10. ACAA 13th International Symposium on Managemet & Use of Coal Combustion Products v.1 no.6 Production of Manufactured Aggregates from Coal Combustion By-products M.M.Wu;R.A.Winschel;G.J.Hasenfus
  11. ACAA 13th International Symposium on Managemet & Use of Coal Combustion Products v.1 no.4 Characteristics of High Performance Aggregate Produced from Fly Ash Using a Rotary Kiln and Properties of Concrete Made Using This Aggregate M.Shigmetomi;M.T.Morishita;M.Kato
  12. ACAA 13th International Symposium on Managemet & Use of Coal Combustion Products v.1 Innovative, Lightweight Synthetic Aggregate Developed from Coal Fly Ash M.G.Kashi;C.Swam;O.Holmstrom;R.Malloy
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  14. Introduction to Ceramics W.D.Kingery;H.K.Bomen;D.R.Uhlmann

피인용 문헌

  1. Bloating Mechanism of Lightweight Aggregate with the Size vol.53, pp.2, 2016,