많은 항산화제가 식물 잎에 존재한다고 알려져 있으나, 식물 잎의 성장시기에 따른 항산화제의 변화에 관한 연구는 드물다. 따라서 본 연구는 감잎, 뽕잎, 탱자나무잎에 존재하는 항산화 성분의 양을 잎의 성장 시기별로 조사하였다. 총 polyphenol의 함량은 잎이 성장하면서 감소하는 경향을 보였는데, 생육초기인 4월에 채취한 감잎의 경우 총 polyphenol의 함량이 4.62 g/dried 100 g으로 나타나, 뽕잎 1.70 g/dried 100 g와 탱자나무잎 0.91 g/dried 100 g에 비해 2.7∼5.1배 많이 검출되었다. Ascorbic acid의 함량도 성장함에 따라 감소하는 경향을 보였는데, 뽕잎이 2.7∼6.0, 감잎이 5.3∼9.9, 탱자나뭇잎이 3.7∼6.9 mg/dried 100 g으로 감잎이 뽕잎이나 탱자나무에 비해 높게 나타났다. Glutathione리 함량도 성장함에 따라 감소하는 경향을 나타내었는데, 그 평균함량은 탱자나뭇잎이 35.7, 뽕잎이 15.8, 감잎이 2.3 mg/dried 100 g으로 탱자나뭇잎에서 현저하게 높게 나타났다. $\beta$-Carotene의 함량은 성장을 함에 따라 점차 증가하는 경향을 보였는데, 성장 후기인 9월에 채취한 잎의 경우, 뽕잎이 411.2 mg/dried 100 g으로 나타나, 감잎 198.5, 탱자나뭇잎 144.1 mg/dried 100 g보다 높은 수준으로 검출되었다. $\alpha$-Tocopherol의 함량도 성장함에 따라 증가하는 경향을 나타내었는데, 성장 후기인 9월에는 탱자나뭇잎이 52.8, 뽕잎이 48.6, 감잎이 61.7 mg/dried 100 g으로 나타나, 감잎이 다소 높게 검출되었다.
lt is well known that some kinds of leaves contain a lot of antioxidants in them; however, little attention has been given to the study on the amount of antioxidants in them and the changes in the amount of antioxidants in them during their growth. Therefore, we examined the antioxidants in the leaves of persimon, moraceae, and trifoliage orange during their growth. The amount of total polyphenol tended to decrease during plants' growth, and each amount was 4.62 g/dried 100 g persimon leaf, 1.70 gloried 100 g moraceae leaf, and 0.91 g/dried 100 g trifoliage orange leaf in April. The amount of total polyphenol in persimon leaf was 2.7∼5.1 times higher than moraceae and trifoliage orange leaf. The amount of ascorbic acid also decreased during plants' growth, and each amount was 2.7∼6.0 mg/dried 100 g moraceae leaf, 5.3∼9.9 mg/dried 100 g persimon leaf, and 3.7∼6.9 mg/dried 100 g trifoliage orange leaf. Persimon leaf was found to contain higher amount of ascorbic acid than moraceae leaf or trifoliage orange leaf. The amount of glutathione tended to decrease during plants' growth, and each average amount was 35.7 mg/dried 100 g trifoliage orange leaf, 15.8 mg/dried 100 g moraceae leaf, and 2.3 mg/dried 100 g persimon leaf. Trifoliage orange leaf contained the highest amount of glutathione. $\beta$ -Carotene tended to increase during the growth, and each amount was 411.2 mg/dried 100 g moraceae leaf, 198.5 mg/dried 100 g persimon leaf, 144.1 mg/dried 100 g trifoliage orange leaf in September. $\alpha$ -Tocopherol also tended to increase during the growth, and each amount was 52.8 mg/dried 100 g trifoliage orange leaf, 48.6 mg/dried 100 g moraceae leaf, and 61.7 mg/dried 100 g persimon leaf in September.