여성의 정보화촉진을 위한 인터넷 사용행동 연구

Digital divide among women: Focusing on the effects of socio-economic variables on Internet use

  • 이성림 (울산대학교 생활과학부 아동가정복지학) ;
  • 박명희 (동국대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 서정희 (울산대학교 생활과학부 아동가정복지학)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Using data from the 2001 Computer and Internet Use Survey by the National Statistical Office, this study investigated digital divide among women aged between 20 and 55. Following were the major findings. first, two-thirds of women did not use Internet even though many of these had Internet access at home. Second, those who did not have Internet access at home, those with a lower level of educational attainment, those with blue color or service occupations, and those with higher age were less likely to use Internet than their counterparts in these socio-economic variables. Third, expanding Internet infrastructure would not improve Internet use of the Elderly. Forth, the majority of those who did not use Internet did not recognize the Internet itself. Based on the result the policy implications for digital divide were suggested.



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