방정식의 해법에 관한 소고

  • Published : 2004.02.01


This paper aims at investigating the algebraic solution of cubic and quartic equation and eliciting the didactical meanings of them. First, I examine the event which relates to the equation in the history of mathematics and investigate the algebraic solution of cubic and quartic equation. And then I elicit the didactical suggestions which are required of teachers and students when they investigate the algebraic solution of cubic and quartic equation. In general, the investigation of these solutions is the valuable task which requires the algebraic intuition and technique for students and certificates expert knowledge for teachers.



  1. 소설처럼 아름다운 수학 이야기 김정희
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  3. 학교수학의 교육적 기초 우정호
  4. A History of Elementary Mathematics, with hints on method of teaching(Revised and enlarged edition);수학의 역사 Cajori,F.;정치호(역)
  5. Advanced Mathematical Thinking Mathematical Creativity Ervynk,G.;Tall,D.(ed.)
  6. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics Eves,H.