파이프-유체의 연성진동을 이용한 누수위치 식별연구

Pinpointing of Leakage Location Using Pipe-fluid Coupled Vibration

  • 이영섭 (한국표준과학연구원 스마트계측그룹) ;
  • 윤동진 (한국표준과학연구원 스마트계측그룹)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Leaks in underground pipelines can cause social, environmental and economical problems. One of relevant countermeasures against leaks is to find and repair of leak points of the pipes. Leak noise is a good source to identify the location of leak points of the pipelines. Although there have been several methods to detect the leak location with leak noise, such as listening rods, hydrophones or ground microphones, they have not been so efficient tools. In this paper, accelermeters aroused to detect leak locations which could provide an easier and more efficient method. Filtering, signal processing and algorithm of raw input data from sensors for the detection of leak location are described. A 120m-long and a 70m-long experimental pipeline systems are installed and the results with the systems show that the algorithm with the accelerometers offers accurate pinpointing for leaks location detection. Theoretical analysis of sound wave propagation speed of water in underground pipes, which is critically important in leak locating, is also described.



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피인용 문헌

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