연삭식 도정기에 의한 도정 정도별 쌀의 이화학적 특성 변화

Changes of Physicochemical Characteristics of Rice Milled by Newly Designed Abrasive Milling Machine

  • 김용석 (전북대학교 바이오식품 소재 개발 및 산업화 연구센터) ;
  • 이나영 (전북대학교 응용생물공학부(식품공학) 및 농업과학기술연구소) ;
  • 황철승 (전북대학교 응용생물공학부(식품공학) 및 농업과학기술연구소) ;
  • 유미지 (전북대학교 응용생물공학부(식품공학) 및 농업과학기술연구소) ;
  • 백경화 (전북대학교 응용생물공학부(식품공학) 및 농업과학기술연구소) ;
  • 신동화 (전북대학교 응용생물공학부(식품공학) 및 농업과학기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


연삭식 정미기를 이용하여 도정한 쌀의 도정 정도에 따른 수력함량은 12.81∼13.15%로서 연삭 횟수가 증가할수록 약간 증가하는 경향이었으며, 조단백질 및 조지방 함량은 각각 7.81∼8.50% 및 1.07∼l.93%로서 도정 정도가 클수록 감소하였으나 백미보다는 높았고, 조지방의 주요 지방산은 palmitic acid(22.06∼25.76%, peak area %), oleic acid(34.04∼35.62%) 및 linoleic acid(39.58∼42.22%)로 확인되었다. 백도는 현미와 백미의 중간 정도이었으며, 쌀눈 부착률은 연삭 4회 및 연마 1회 시료의 경우에도 39.33%에 이르러 백미(4.00%)보다 매우 높은 비율을 나타냈으며, 천립중은 현미와 유의적 차이(p<0.05)가 없었다. 주사전자현미경 관찰 결과 연삭 4회 및 연마 1회 시료는 표면의 매끄러움이 백미와 비슷한 반면 쌀눈이 일부 부착되어 있었다. 취반 후 관능평가 한 결과 연삭,3회, 연삭 4회, 연삭 4회 및 연마 1회 시료는 백미와 유의적 차이가 없거나(맛) 약간 낮은 선호도(색깔, 냄새, 조직감, 전체적 기호도)를 나타냈으나 현미보다 월등히 높은 선호도를 나타내어 영양가 있는 쌀로서 이용되기에 좋은 것으로 판단된다.

Physicochemical characteristics of rice milled by newly designed abrasive milling machine were studied. Crude protein and crude lipid contents were 7.81∼8.50% and 1.07∼0.95%, respectively, and they showed a tendency to decrease with milling times. However, they showed higher values than that of polished rice. Major fatty acids of crude lipid were palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. Whiteness of tested samples was higher than brown rice but lower than polished rice. The remain rate of rice germ of four pass-through and polished one time sample (FPS) was 39.33%, and it was higher than that of polished rice (4.00%). One thousand grain weight of samples over than three pass-through was significantly different from brown rice (p<0.05). FPS had smooth surface similar to polished rice and it showed some residual rice germ by scanning electron microscopy. Sensory evaluation showed that the taste of three pass-through rice, four pass-through rice, and FPS was not significantly different from polished rice, whereas their color, odor, texture, and overall acceptability had lower score than polished rice but higher than brown rice. Therefore, we estimate that rice ground over three pass-through by newly designed abrasive milling machine might be a good source having nutritive value.



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  2. Korea Patent Polishing roll of grinding type rice-polishing machine Yoon,J.R.
  3. Agricultural food processing Rhee,S.K.
  4. Food industry Yang,H.C.
  5. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.8 Studies on the milling, quality and storage of Tongil rice Chung,D.H.;Kyung,M.H.;Kong,J.S.;Kim,H.K.
  6. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.11 Radial distribution of calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine and riboflavin in the degermed brown rice kerne. Kim,S.K.;Cheigh,H.S.
  7. J Korean Agric Chem v.23 Heavy metal contents in different bran layers of rice Kim,M.C.;Shim,K.H.;Chung,D.H.;Cho,K.T.
  8. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.22 Milling characteristics and qualities of Korean rice Kim,Y.B.;Hah,D.M.;Kim,C.S.
  9. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.10 Kinetic studies on cooking of rice of various polishing degrees. Cheigh,H.S.;Kim,S.K.;Pyun,Y.R.;Kwon,T.W.
  10. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.30 Chemical composition of the rice germ from rice milling and its oil stability during storage Shin,D.H.;Chung,C.K.
  11. Official methods of analysis(16th ed.) AOAC
  12. Food Sci Biotechnol v.10 Effect of Rhus verniciflua Stokes on the oxidative stability of fried potato chips during storage Kim,Y.S.;Shin,D.H.
  13. J Food Sci v.67 Extension of shelf life by treatment with allyl isothiocyanate in combination with acetic acid on cooked rice. Kim,Y.S.;Ahn,E.S.;Shin,D.H.
  14. SAS user's guide SAS Institute, INC.
  15. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr v.25 Comparison of lipid composition of rice varieties with the different sensory quality Kim,I.H.;Park,K.H.;Shin,M.G.;Kim,H.J.;Lee,S.H.
  16. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.18 Comparative studies on the lipid content and neutral lipid composition in nonglutinous and glutinous rice Shin,H.S.;Rhee,J.Y.
  17. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr v.31 Comparison of nutritional composition in Korean rices Choe,J.S.;Ahn,H.H.;Nam,H.J.
  18. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.12 Studies on the milling characteristics of rice Kim,H.K.
  19. Rice Production(2nd ed.) v.2 Rice bran: chemistry and technology Luh,B.S.;Barber,S.;de Barber,B.;Luh,B.S.(ed.)
  20. Korean J Food Sci Technol v.16 Cooking properties of Akibare and Milyang 23 brown rice Kim,K.J.;Pyun,Y.R.;Choi,H.T.;Lee,S.K.;Kim,S.K.

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