Lifestyle and Clothing Behavior of Female High school Students according to Residential Area

주거지역에 따른 여자고등학생의 라이프스타일과 의생활 탐색 -서울과 인천을 중심으로 하여-

  • Published : 2004.01.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of lifestyle and clothing behavior of high school girls according to their residential area. The focus group interview was executed with 29 high school students and picture analysis was carried with 400 pictures of their outfits on weekends. The results show that they borrow their clothing one another taking turns, and there has lesibean dress code in common regardless of residential area. Students residing in Seoul wear brand products, and buy at department store, discount store and the stores in Myongdong or Sinchon, while students residing in Inchon wear Bose products, and buy at the stores in subway. Most of adolescents wear easy casual, and those of Inchon sometimes wear formal with high heel and young character casual, and often wear make up and get hair permanant/dyeing.



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