The role of protective relay with correct setting value is very important for the reliable operation of power : system. The setting process of a protective relay is difficult and requires hard work of calculations. Therefore, KEPCO as been using PROSET2000, a computer program system, in order to automate the setting process of protective relays in power transmission network since 2000. This system has a database and relay setting modules for each type of realy with coresponding Human and Computer Interaction(HCI). For the setting of a new type of relay, it require a new module, a HCI and a database table corresponding to the new relay. But it's update is not easy in case of new type of relay. This paper discussed the update method introducing a concept of Open Interface. It addressd a method to make a new HCI for new relay in view of object-oriented method using UML(Unified Modeling Language). Using the UML, we updated the PROSET2000. HCI screens for a new relay is generated automatically using the information of the new relay stored in the database. And, the database management module is upgraded to solve problems in manage and maintain the database in view of Open Interface.