Local Collision Avoidance of Multiple Robots Using Avoidability Measure and Relative Distance

  • Ko, Nak-Yong (Department Information, Control, and Instrumentation Engineering, Chosun University) ;
  • Seo, Dong-Jin (Department Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Chsun University) ;
  • Kim, Koung-Suk (Department Mechanical Information Engineering, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


This paper presents a new method driving multiple robots to their goal position without collision. To consider the movement of the robots in a work area, we adopt the concept of avoidability measure. The avoidability measure figures the degree of how easily a robot can avoid other robots considering the velocity of the robots. To implement the concept to avoid collision among multiple robots, relative distance between the robots is proposed. The relative distance is a virtual distance between robots indicating the threat of collision between the robots. Based on the relative distance, the method calculates repulsive force against a robot from the other robots. Also, attractive force toward the goal position is calculated in terms of the relative distance. These repulsive force and attractive force are added to form the driving force for robot motion. The proposed method is simulated for several cases. The results show that the proposed method steers robots to open space anticipating the approach of other robots. In contrast, since the usual potential field method initiates avoidance motion later than the proposed method, it sometimes fails preventing collision or causes hasty motion to avoid other robots. The proposed method works as a local collision-free motion coordination method in conjunction with higher level of task planning and path planning method for multiple robots to do a collaborative job.



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