경화된 콘크리트의 상태에 따른 염화물 확산특성 비교

Comparison of Diffusion Characteristic of Chloride According to the Condition of Hardened Concrete

  • Leem Young-Moon (Department of Industrial Engineering, Kangnung National University) ;
  • Yang Eun-Ik (Department of Civil Engineering, Kangnung National University) ;
  • Min Seok-Hong (Department of Material Engineering, Kangnung National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Most reinforcements in concrete are constructed by steel. Corrosion of reinforcement is the main cause of damage and early failure of reinforced concrete structures. The corrosion is mainly professed by the chloride ingress. In general, chloride in concrete can be discriminated by two components, total chloride and fire chloride. This paper provides a testing method on the coefficient of chloride diffusion in concrete and the relationship between total chloride and free chloride in concrete for the composition of predicting model on diffusion rate of chloride. In order to complete this predicting model, this study will use chloride penetration characteristic, diffusion coefficient and experiment of color change on silver nitrate solution. This predicting model is going to help that grasp special quality on salt content inclusion of concrete structure that is exposed in chloride environment. Accurate predicting model can be effectively used not only in selecting of repair time but also in preventing from various deteriorations.



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