기능성 나노섬유에 의한 중금속 이온의 제거에 관한 연구

A Study on the Removal of an Heavy Metal Ions by an Functional Nano Fibers

  • 안형환 (충주대학교 테크노시스템공학부 안전공학과)
  • An Hyung-Hwan (Department of Safety Engineering, School of Technosystem Engineering, Chungju National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This is the study for the removal of a toxic heavy metal ions and the recycling of expanded polystyrene wastes. Thus expanded polystyrene wastes collected from the packing materials of TV or chemicals and dissolved by $80wt.\%$ solvent(N, N-Dimethylacrylamide), electrospun in DC 20kV by power supply. Generally, the electrospinning is a process of manufacture to the fibers of nanosize from polymer solution. Manufactured nanofiber mats by electrospinning were sulfonated by cone.-sulphuric acid with $Ag_2S_O_4$ catalysts for the exchange capacity of heavy metal ions and the properties of structure with sulfonated time investigated by FESEM(Feild Emission Scaning Electron Microscope). The ion exchange capacity of light metal$(Na^+)$, Cd(II) and Ni(II), and by a nanofiber mats were 1.94[mmo1/g-dry-mat), 1.72(mmol/g-dry-mat), 1.24(mmol/g-dry-mat), respectively., and water uptake content showed a similar trend with IEC. and The selectivity coefficients $K^M_H$ of Cd(II), Ni((II) ions showed 0.324, 0.228. respectively.



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