Antioxidant Enzymes in Postpartum Anoestrus Buffaloes Supplemented with Vitamin E and Selenium

  • Anita, Anita (Dept. of Animal Biochemistry & F.S.I.V.R.I., Izatnagar) ;
  • Singha, S.P.S. (Department of Veterinary Biochemistry Punjab Agricultural University) ;
  • Dhillon, K.S. (Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University) ;
  • Nayyar, Shashi (Department of Veterinary Anatomy and histology, Punjab Agricultural University)
  • Received : 2002.09.17
  • Accepted : 2003.04.04
  • Published : 2004.05.01


The 15 buffaloes were divided into three groups, viz. group 1: normal cyclic buffaloes; group 2: postpartum anoestrus buffaloes and group 3: post partum anoestrus buffaloes supplemented with intramuscular injections of Vit. E.-care Se containing 500 mg $\alpha$-tocopheryl acetate and 15 mg selenium at weekly intervals for two months. The postpartum anoestrus buffaloes had significantly higher levels of erythrocytic lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase and glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase activities but lower glutathione peroxidase activity as compared to normal cyclic buffaloes. The supplementation of vitamin E and selenium lowered the level of erythrocytic lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase and glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase activities but it had no effect on whole blood selenium and erythrocytic gluathione peroxidase activity. All the animals in group 3 became cyclic and showed 60% conception rate.



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