Outbreak of Measles among School Ages in Yeongju in 2000

2000년 경북 영주지역 학생연령층에서 발생한 홍역 유행

Cheong, Hae-Kwan;Bae, Geun-Ryang;Jeong, Jin-Hwa;Park, Sue-Kyung;Park, Byung-Chan;Kim, Jee-Hee;Lee, Joo-Yeon;Na, Byung-Kuk;Kim, Woo-Joo

  • Published : 20040000


Background The outbreak of measles from 2000 to 2001 was the biggest epidemic since measles vaccination wasintroduced in Korea Outbreak of measles in Yeongju was one of the earhest milestones of the nationwide outbreak in theyear 2000 The authors investigated epidemiologic characteristics of the outbreak in this areaMethods The authors estimated attack rate through the investigation of all the school age cases of measles reported tolocal health authority between March and May, 2000 Case investigation was done to trace the source of the outbreak Onehundred seventy two cases were examined with medical examination, with interview on their clinical manifestations, andwith serologic examination on the anti-measles IgM and IgG antibody.Results Overall attack rate among the school children was 4 3%, with highest attack rate in middle school students(8 5%) The outbreak began in March in middle schools, which spread to elementary and high schools IgG was positive in160(93 0%) cases and IgM was positive in 94(54 6%) cases, among which 90 cases (95 7%) were also positive for IgG IgMpositive cases had higher prevalence of rash (91 5%) compared to those without IgM (70 5%) Diagnostic cntena based onthe climcal manifestation and contact history showed the highest sensitivity (92.6%) compared to conventional diagnostic criteria in outbreak (40 4-44 7%) Conclusions High proportion of susceptible children in the population due to primary or secondary vaccine failureplayed a key role in this outbreak Clinical manifestation was mildei than classical measles and adjustment of diagnosticcriteria can be helpful m the management of outbreak



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