수산·해운계 고등학교 교과의 해양환경 내용분석

The Contents Analysis of Ocean Environment of Textbooks for Fisheries and Marine High School students

  • 투고 : 2004.08.30
  • 심사 : 2004.11.02
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


The aims of this study are to analysis about the contents associated with the ocean environment compared 17 special-subject textbooks to 2 common-subject textbooks, and to make some proposals for construction of contents. The results of it are as follows; 1. Only 17 books among 36 textbooks taught by the fisheries and marine high schools are contained to some contents related with ocean environment. The contents associated with the ocean environment take possession of 90%, 62% each of total pages in the textbooks, 'ocean pollution' and 'ocean environment'. 2. Of compulsory texts, namely, 'general fisheries', 'general ocean' and 'information treatment of fisheries-marine', the former 2 books are composed of 4.5%, 36.2% each relating with ocean environment. But the last one is nothing. 3. Therefore, even a little contents of ocean environment and its conservation, it is necessary to add as the reasonable rate to the characteristics of each book in 36 special-subject textbooks. 4. And also it is shown that the common-subject textbooks,'ocean science', ' earth science I' and 'earth science II', are composed of 35.7%, 10%, 16.7% each. So we'd like to recommend that the contents of ocean pollution and environmental conservation have to add more.



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