수산자원에 대한 수산보조금의 다면적 영향에 관한 경제이론적 고찰

An Economic Theory Study for Mutivariate Impacts of Fisheries Subsidies on Fishery Resources

  • 투고 : 2004.04.26
  • 심사 : 2004.06.29
  • 발행 : 2004.07.31


This study analyzed the multivariate impacts of subsidies on the sustainability of fish stock using a dynamic bioeconomic modeling and fisheries resources economic approaches for understanding impacts of a subsidy on the sustainability of a fish stock. According to the results of analysis, the conclusion of former studies is true only there are imperfect control of fishing effort and enforcement under management rerime and under open access. However, if there are perfect control of effort and enforcement, the subsidies do not give any negative impacts on the sustainability of fish stock. Further, if even so-called bad subsidy is also provided necessarily in response to the condition of fishing industry and the characteristic of fishermen, it can give positive impacts on fishing income by which fishermen can improve their fishing condition.



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