아버지의 아동발달의 이해 및 양육행동에 관한 연구 -어머니와의 비교를 통하여-

A study on the understanding of growing of child and activity of bringing up in father - by comparing mother's -

  • 현정환 (서울신학대학교)
  • Hyun, Jung-Hwan (Seoul Theological University)
  • 투고 : 2004.08.13
  • 심사 : 2004.11.24
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


The purpose of the present study is to study how the understanding of growing of child to be related with recognizing the role of parents and activity of bringing up, and at the same time verifying a part of father through reviewing difference view with mother's. Object of investigation were 396 members of parents who have babies in infancy (177 members of fathers and 219 members of mothers. ). The result of this research shows that father has stronger confidence than mother in the role of parents relatively, but he does not understand as much as mother does in growing of child, and is not active enough in bringing up, keeps less intimate relationship with his child and does not affect on his child than mother does. And father who has more understanding on growing of child has also more positive activity in bringing up child. We can get one conclusion from this research, now a days it is seriously required for a father to participate more corporately in bringing up his child, we should do support more effort to let father gets better and right understanding in growing of child and building-up more effective and positive relation with his child.



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