Numerical and laboratory investigations of electrical resistance tomography for environmental monitoring

  • Heinson Tania Dhu Graham (Co-operative Centre for Landscapes Environment and Mineral Exploration School of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Adelaide)
  • Published : 2004.02.01


Numerical and laboratory studies have been conducted to test the ability of Electrical Resistance Tomography-a technique used to map the electrical resistivity of the subsurface-to delineate contaminant plumes. Two-dimensional numerical models were created to investigate survey design and resolution. Optimal survey design consisted of both downhole and surface electrode sites. Resolution models revealed that while the bulk fluid flow could be outlined, small-scale fingering effects could not be delineated. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a narrow glass tank to validate theoretical models. A visual comparison of fluid flow with ERT images also showed that, while the bulk fluid flow could be seen in most instances, fine-scale effects were indeterminate.



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