Bibliographic Study on Pediatric Chuna(推拿) in the Myung.Chung(明淸) Dynasties

명청시기(明淸時期) 소아추나(小兒推拿)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • Ding Guo-Xun (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University,Institute of Korean Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University) ;
  • Lee Song-Shil (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University,Institute of Korean Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University) ;
  • Baek Jin-Woong (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University,Institute of Korean Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University) ;
  • Lee Sang-Jae (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University,Institute of Korean Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University) ;
  • Kim Kwang-Ho (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University,Institute of Korean Oriental Medicine, KyungHee University)
  • 정국훈 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 이송실 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 백진웅 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 이상재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 김광호 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소)
  • Published : 2004.12.29


Bibliographic study on pediatric Chuna in the Myung Chung dynasties resulted as the following. 1. Pediatric Chuna experts in Myung dynasty utilized methods of Chuna to a great extense as means of preventing and treating various kinds of pediatric disorders. 2. Pediatric Chuna experts in Myung dynasty put emphasis on diagnosis through the doctor's inspection. 3. Pediatric Chuna experts in Myung dynasty developed and applied special acupoints for pediatric Chuna. 4. Pediatric Chuna experts in Myung dynasty put emphasis on replenishing and discharging according to hand manipulation. 5. Pediatric Chuna experts in Myung dynasty developed and applied methods of massaging with herbal medicine. 6. Pediatric Chuna experts in Myung dynasty put methods of Chuna into songs for handier use. 7. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty corrected the errors of the predecessors and further developed the handed down advantages. 8. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty specifically combined the theories of Chuna with characteristics of pediatric physiology. 9. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty described treatments by symptoms systematically. 10. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty, criticizing the trend at the time of despising pediatric Chuna, endeavored to spread pediatric Chuna. 11. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty arranged the relationship between hand manipulation of Chuna and herbal medicine. 12. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty arranged various kinds of methods for diagnosis, including diagnosis by palpation of the chest and the abdomen. 13. Pediatric Chuna experts in Chung dynasty combined the method of multiple hand manipulation and method of basic hand manipulation. 14. The theories of pediatric Chuna before Myung Chung dynasties only put emphasis on Ki and Blood, not combining with the basic principles of Korean medicine like Eum/Yang and Five Phases. The scholars of Myung Chung dynasties came to successfully combine the principles of Korean medicine like stability theory, Jang and Bu (internal organs) theory, and Eum-Yang theory with the theories of pediatric Chuna. This combination best characterizes the theories of pediatric Chuna in the Myung Chung dynasties.



  1. 黃帝內徑 黃志傑(譯)
  2. 中國醫學史 傳維康(篇)
  3. 簡明中國文物辭典 中國歷史博物館(篇)
  4. 五十二病方 馬王推漢墓帛書整理小組(編)
  5. 抱樸子內篇肘後備急方今譯 葛洪硏究會(編譯)
  6. 外台備要 王燾(撰)
  7. 蘇沈內翰良方 蘇軾;沈括
  8. 針灸大成校譯 魯兆麟(主校)
  9. 공延腎醫學全書, 原著 明 공延腎 胡國臣(主編)
  10. 小兒推拿廣意 態應雄(輯)
  11. 厘正按摩要術 張振鋆(輯)
  12. 幼科三種
  13. 按摩與導引 v.18 no.3 <保嬰神術> 論小兒推拿 査위
  14. 小兒推拿方脈活嬰秘旨全書 江靜波(校定)
  15. 按摩與導引 no.3 小兒推拿的起源及發展 林曉潔
  16. 幼科鐵鏡 夏愚鑄
  17. 針灸推拿史 博維康(主編)
  18. 增圖考釋推拿法 夏雲集;許敬輿(增釋)
  19. 南京中醫藥大學學報 淸代小兒推拿的學術特點 査위
  20. 幼科推拿秘書 駱如龍
  21. 鍼灸大成 楊繼洲