녹차 페놀류가 corn oil-in-water emulsion의 산화 중 hydroperoxide 생성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Polyphenolic Compounds from Green Tea Leaves on Production of Hydroperoxide for Lipid Oxidation in Corn Oil-in-Water Emulsion

  • 조영제 (상주대학교 식품생물공학부) ;
  • 김병규 (상주대학교 식품생물공학부) ;
  • 천성숙 (영남대학교 식품가공학과)
  • Cho, Young-Je (Department of Food Engineering, Sangju National University) ;
  • Kim, Byung-Gyu (Department of Food Engineering, Sangju National University) ;
  • Chun, Sung-Sook (Department of Food Science & Technology, Yeungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.28


5% corn oil과 17 mM Brij 700으로 제조한 corn oil-in-water emulsion(O/W)의 droplet의 크기는 첨가되는 phenol의 양이 많아질수록 지방구가 다소 커지는 경향을 보였으며, continuous phase의 surfactant 양은 대조구에 비해 다소 낮아졌다. O/W에 녹차로부터 분리한 phenol류를 100-200 ppm의 농도로 첨가하고 30일간 저장하며 hydroperoxide의 생성량을 측정한 결과 대조구에 비해 낮은 hydroperoxide 함량을 보여 유도기간이 길어지는 것으로 나타났으며, phenol 종류별 hydroperoxide 생성억제 효과는 BHT > procyanidin B3-3-O-gallate>(+)-gallocatechin>(+)-catechin의 순서로 나타났다. 지방 산화의 결과 발생하는 aldehyde의 함량을 측정함으로서 산화정도를 측정하기 위하여 headspace hexanal 양을 측정한 결과, 대조구는 15일까지 hexanal이 검출되지 않았으나 phenol 첨가구는 20-30일로 headspace aldehyde의 불검출기간이 길어졌으며, 농도가 증가할수록 낮은 함량을 나타내었다. Phenol 종류별 headspacealdehyde 생성 억제 효과는 BHT > procyanidin B3-3-O-gallate > (+)-gallocatechin >(+)-catechin의 순서로 나타났다.

Effect of polyphenolic compounds from green tea leaves and surfactant micelles on lipid oxidation in corn oil-in-water emulsion (O/W) wag determined. Concentrations of polyphenolic compound and surfactant in continuous phase of O/W were measured. Particle size of O/W with 17 mM Brij 700 and 5% corn oil increased with increasing concentration of polyphenolic compound (100-200 ppm). Concentration of surfactant in the continuous phase was lower than that of control. Lipid oxidation rates, as determined by the formation of lipid hydroperoxides and headspace hexanal, in O/W emulsions containing polyphenolic compounds decreased with increasing concentration of polyphenolic compounds (100-200 ppm). Inhibition of hydroperoxide and headspace hexanal produced via lipid oxidation by polyphenolic compounds in O/W was BHT>procyanidin B3-3-O-gallate>(+)-gallocatechin >(+)-catechin.



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