패밀리 레스토랑의 관계마케팅활동이 만족, 전환행동 및 점포 애호도에 미치는 영향관계

A Study on the Relationship Marketing of Family Restaurant Toward Customers' Satisfaction, Switching Behavior and Store Loyalty

  • 김영규 (계명대학교 관광경영학과) ;
  • 최영준 (영산대학교 호텔관광학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.31


The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance of relationship marketing which has been developed as an alternative way of handling marketing in family restaurants. This study focused on the consumers' behavior - mainly their switching behavior and loyalty toward relationship marketing activities exercised by from family restaurants. 269 usable questionnaires were collected from customers patronizing three family style restaurants in Seoul. Several statistical methods were used including descriptive analysis, reliability test, covariance analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and covariance structural analysis. The result drawn from empirical test proved that relationship marketing activities actually are the significant determinants of relationship quality and thus to the customers' behaviors toward the restaurants they patronize. Managerial implications can be drawn from the result findings that restaurant companies can identify the activities of relationship marketing to continue the long-term relationship with their customers. Also restaurant companies can use the activities of relationship marketing as differentiating strategies, and allocate their resources into the activities of relationship marketing.



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