구강악안면 수술 환자의 스트레스와 관련된 요인들의 종류와 영향력의 규모


  • 윤필영 (분당서울대학교병원 치과 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 김영균 (분당서울대학교병원 치과 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 이창수 (대진의료재단 분당제생병원 치과 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 송승일 (대진의료재단 분당제생병원 치과 구강악안면외과) ;
  • 최용근 (EB치과)
  • Yun, Pil-Young (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Section of Dentistry, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Young-Kyun (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Section of Dentistry, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Chang-Su (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Pundang Jesaeng Hospital, Daejin Medical Center) ;
  • Song, Sung-Il (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Pundang Jesaeng Hospital, Daejin Medical Center) ;
  • Choi, Yong-Geun (EB Dental Clinic)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


Surgical process of oral and maxillofacial area as well as dental treatment are stressful situations to the patients. It is well known that serum level of stress hormones including adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH) and cortisol increase when the body is exposed to stress. However, there have been few studies on demographic and clinical factors related with stress. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to supply data to cope with stress more comprehensively and efficiently by analyzing the effect of factors related with stress in addition to surgical procedure. Prospective cohort study method was selected. Serum levels of ACTH and cortisol were measured by sampling bloods pre-operatively and post-operatively from 45 patients who had been operated at the Bundang Jesaeng Hospital department of oral and maxillofacial surgery. To evaluate factors associated with stress, patients were classified according to gender, age, method of payment(insurance or self), experiences of operation, kind of operations(expected operations or unexpected operations). Relative risk was calculated to assess relationships between changes of serum level of ACTH and cortisol and factors related with stress, whereas Chi-square analysis was executed to evaluate statistical significance. With regard to serum level of ACTH, relative risk was 1.3 in the group of the patients who were less than 40 years old. With regard to serum level of cortisol, relative risk was 1.8 for women compared with men, 1.4 in the group of the patients who were less than 40 years old and 1.6 in the group of the patients who had not experienced any other operations. In addition to surgical procedure, factors related with stress included gender, age, method of payments, experiences of operation and kind of operations. Therefore, we should provide comprehensive schemes to reduce stress of the patients going through oral and maxillofacial surgery.



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