구강내 악성병소와 유두종의 감별진단시 문제점


  • 류동목 (경희대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실) ;
  • 최병준 (경희대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실) ;
  • 김여갑 (경희대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실) ;
  • 이백수 (경희대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실) ;
  • 오정환 (경희대학교 치과대학 구강악안면외과학교실)
  • Ryu, Dong-Mok (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental College, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Choi, Byung-Jun (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental College, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Yeo-Gab (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental College, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Lee, Baek-Soo (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental College, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Oh, Jung-Hwan (Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental College, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.28


Squamous papilloma is a benign proliferation of stratified squamous epithelium, resulting in a papillary or verruciform mass. Verrucous carcinoma is a differentiated variant of squamous cell carcinoma and may present diagnostic difficulties as it may be erroneously diagnosed as squamous papilloma. Squamous papilloma is similar to other oral mucosa malignancy in microscopic view. So, it is difficult to distinguish between squamous cell papilloma and other oral mucosa malignancy. Here are three patients. they were diagnosed as squamous papilloma initially, but the lesion was recurred. In recurred lesion, verrucous carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma were found. So we report that recurred oral mucosa malignency(verrucous carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma) which was diagnosed as squamous papilloma.



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