Effects of Bedsoil and Growth Regulator on Cutting Propagation of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau

상토 및 생장조절제 처리가 꾸지뽕나무의 삽목번식에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2004.09.30


This Study was carried out to select bed soil and growth regulator which are effective for the macro propagation by cutting of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau. The rooting of Cudraniae tricuspidata showed good result when the bed soil was coarse soil, rooted hardwood cutting 56.9%, and softwood cutting 62.3%. The rooting of Cudraniae tricuspidata showed good result when treated by growth regulator IBA 100 ppm, rooted hardwood cutting 57.9%, and softwood cutting 89.2%.

꾸지뽕나무의 대량번식을 위한 상토와 생장조절제 처리에 따른 삽목 번식에 관한 시험을 수행한 바, 삽목상토는 미풍화토에서 양호하여 숙지삽과 녹지삽에서 각각 56.9%, 62.3%의 발근율을 보였고, 생장조절제는 IBA 100 ppm처리에서 발근이 양호하여 숙지삽에서 57.9%, 녹지삽에서는 89.2%의 발근율을 보였다.



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