Korean Journal of Acupuncture
- Volume 21 Issue 4
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- Pages.157-165
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- 2004
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- 2287-3368(pISSN)
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- 2287-3376(eISSN)
The Study on 'Hyung-Sang' Theory of Acupuncture Points in Each Chapter on 'Shin' and 'Hyul' in Dong-Eui-Bo-Gam
동의보감(東醫寶鑑) 신문(神門)과 혈문(血門)의 경혈(經穴) 선택(選擇)에 대한 형상론적(形象論的)인 연구(硏究)
- Park, Yong-Whan (Dept. of Diagnostics.Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
Song, Choon-Ho
(Dept. of Meridian & Acupoint.Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
Kim, Gyeong-Cheol
(Dept. of Diagnostics.Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
- Published : 2004.12.27
Objectives : First, we analyze the contents of Dong-Eui-Bo-Gam. Second, from the view of the 'Hyung-Sang(形象:body form)' theory, we try to interpret the acupuncture points chosen in each chapter with a base on the contents of the book. Methods : We study on the on 'Hyung-Sang(形象: form)' theory of acupuncture points in each chapter on 'Shin(神)' and 'Hyul(血)' in Dong-Eui-Bo-Gam(東醫寶鑑). Results & Conclusions : The acupuncture points on epilepsy in 'Shin(神)' chapter are come from the purview of 'Shin(神)' type, fire-form, bird-form & the flushing and feeble of lower-abdomen. The acupuncture points on amnesia in 'Shin(神)' chapter are come from the purview of the powerful intestines and deficient heart-lung. The acupuncture points on dementia in 'Shin(神)' chapter are come more from the purview of 'Shin(神)' type, fire-form, bird-form. And the acupuncture points on sudden palpitation in 'Shin(神)' chapter are come from the purview of phlegen form syndromes. As the epistaxis and hematemesis on 'Hyul(血)' happen more the heat of fire than extravasated blood, the acupuncture points on epistaxis and hematemesis in 'Hyul(血)' chapter are come from the purview of 'Shin(神)' type, fire-form, bird-form and Yang-Myeong body. And as well as the acupuncture points on hematemesis in 'Hyul(血)' chapter are come possibly from the purview of 'Wind-form'. The acupuncture points on feeble hematemesis in 'Hyul(血)' chapter are come from the purview of 'The body form on the deficiency of medium energy'. And the acupuncture points on melena in 'Hyul(血)' chapter are come from the purview of 'Hyul(血)' type.