Protonation and Energetical Investigations of Calix[4]-cyclen-benzo-crown-6 and Its Complexes with Zinc and Copper

  • 발행 : 2004.06.20


Protonation constants of calix[4]-cyclen-benzo-crown-6, L in 1X$10^{-2}$ M $Bu_4NCF_3SO_3$ in 40% $CH_2Cl_2/CH_3OH$ at $25^{\circ}C$ determined by potentiometric titration are log $K_1$ = 10.91, log $K_2$ = 10.30, log $K_3$ = 6.24 and log $K_4$ = 2.55. Stability constants for the receptor L complexes with Cu(II) and Zn(II) in 1X$10^{-2}$ M $Bu_4NCF_3SO_3$ in 40% $CH_2Cl_2/CH_3OH$ at $25^{\circ}C$ were determined by UV-VIS spectrometric titration. Stability constants of the CuL and ZnL complexes as log $\beta$ are 4.37 and 3.45, respectively. Stabilization energies for protonations of receptor L, derived from ab initio Hartree-Fock method with 6-31G basis set, are ${\Delta}E_1$ = -290.1, ${\Delta}E_2$ = -205.0, ${\Delta}E_3$ = -124.9 and ${\Delta}E_4$ = -26.9 kcal/mol and complexation energy of ZnL complex is -370.3 kcal/mol.



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