토기의 형식분류론에서 제기되는 몇 가지 문제에 대하여 - 영동지역 출토「중도식」토기편년과 관련하여 -

New Perspectives in Pottery Typology of Korean Archaeology - Related to the Typology of Chungdo-Type Pottery from the Youngdong Region -

  • 이준호 (일본동경대학교고고학연구실)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.23


The Chungdo-type Pottery Culture, distributed through the middle part of the Korean peninsula, is chronologically located in the very former stage of the advent of ancient states. It has two different traditions of pottery manufacturing technique which are totally different in choosing raw materials, shaping, fixing and firing. It seems that two different traditions had been selectively applied by pottery type. In order to understand this peculiar cultural aspect, the pottery typology needs to be different from those applied to cultures where pottery was made and used under the single manufacturing tradition. This study tries to find the new pottery typology which best fits for the understanding the chronology of the Chungdo-Type Pottery Culture. For this purpose, I examined existing typologies, recognized their problems, and then build a new typology. As a result, I found that the former typologies misinterpreted the relative frequencies of each pottery type as different function or region. In this article, I propose the new pottery typology as building a primary classification within each function and region, and then synthesizing all of primary classifications. This new typology eliminates the factors of function and region in understanding the chronology of the Chungdo-Type Pottery Culture, and assorts the regional distinction by comparing pottery types in each region.
