학교급식에 일반 HACCP 모델 적용시 장애요인에 대한 인지도

The Survey of Perception on Obstacles in Implementing Generic HACCP Plan for School Foodservice Operations

  • 최숙희 (서울서빙고초등학교) ;
  • 김성희 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양과학연구소) ;
  • 곽동경 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.05


The purpose of this study was to identify obstacles by surveying dieticians' perception in implementing Generic HACCP Plan for school foodservice operations from 2001. The survey was conducted in five areas; Seoul, Kyoung-gi Province, In-cheon, Kwang-ju and Dae-jeon. Five hundred and sixty questionnaire were sent by the e-mail address and the local school dietician's Community Board on the internet, 263 were returned. Two hundred and forty were returned by E-mail, return rate was 42.86%. Twenty three were received by the local school dietician's Community Board on the internet. The obstacles were grouped of six fields and indicated thirteen factors in implementation of the Generic HACCP Plan for school foodservice. The six fields were 'status of cooperation within HACCP team', 'cooperation with the external people' such as teachers, food suppliers, student's parents, 'understanding HACCP system of the dieticians', 'hygiene facilities', 'training & educating employees', and 'difficulty of monitoring'. To assess the factor as a obstacle we used Likert's scale; 5-agree strongly, 4-agree, 3-medial, 2-don't agree, 1-don't agree strongly. Results of this study are as follows; 1) The scores of thirteen factors indicated as obstacles were over 3(medial) except ‘lack of dietician's understanding about HACCP System(2.86$\pm$0.97)'. Also only about 63% dieticians recognized that as an obstacle factor. 2) ‘Deficiency of hygiene facilities(4.41$\pm$0.76), ‘lack of teachers' cooperation(4.23$\pm$0.77)', ‘inadequacy of the kitchen lay-out(4.19$\pm$0.95)' and ‘lack of training and educating program for employees(3.97$\pm$0.85)' scored most highly. Results from this study show that financial resources and educating system are very important to settle down HACCP system for School Foodservices successfully.
