Effect of Green Tea and Pueraria radix Tea on Apolipoprotein B100 Production and Low Density Lipoprotein Activity

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


In this study, we investigated the effects of green tea and Pueraria radix tea on the production of Apo B$_{100}$ in Hep G$_2$ liver cells and on the expression of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Treatment with green tea resulted in a 60.7% decrease on the Apo B$_{100}$ concentration in Hep G$_2$ cells. Pueraria radix tea decreased Apo B$_{100}$ concentration by 63.5% in Hep G$_2$ cells. Green tea and Pueraria radix tea significantly decreased Apo B$_{100}$ concentration by 64.8% and 61.8%, respectively, in the media. Treatment of the cells with green tea and Pueraria radix tea also significantly decreased the intracellular total cholesterol, but total cholesterol concentrations in the media increased by 26.4% (green tea) and 23.6% (Pueraria radix tea) above that measured in the media of control cells. The addition of green tea and Pueraria radix to the media of the Hep Gz cells increased the LDL receptor binding activities by 84.1% and 79.4%, respectively.



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