${\cdot}$중등교원 정보기술소양의 현수준과 기대수준에 관한 연구

A Survey on Present Level and Expectation Level of IT Literacy in Korean School Teachers

  • 신호균 (금오공과대학교 산업경영학과) ;
  • 한일조 (금오공과대학교 인문사회과학부)
  • Shin Hoe-kyun (Department of Industrial Management, Kumoh Nat'l Institute of Technology) ;
  • Han Ill-Jo (Department of Human & Social Science, Kumoh Nat'l Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study was to survey current status of information technology literacy in Korean teachers and to give some suggestions for the preparation of prospective teachers in Korea. To achieve the purpose, data were collected using on- and off-line surveys containing questionnaires developed by the researchers. The survey items were categorized into 11 groups such as operation capability, computer use and communication, word processing, ethics, computer fundamentals, understanding of educational IT, information instruments use, application s/w use, work processing with computer, and internet use capability. Major findings were as follows: (1) Female teachers rated their IT literacy level higher than male teachers. (2) Teachers with longer teaching experience rated their IT literacy level lower than those of shorter experience. (3) There were no signigicant differences among sex, school, job grade of teachers at the present level of literacy, but there were significant differences among sex, age, carreer, job grade, and subject matter at the expectation level except for school grade.
