환경론의 가치 이념과 생태건축의 연관성에 대한 연구 국내·외 생태주거단지 비교분석 중심으로

A study on the relationship between environmental theory and ecological development Comparative study of international ecological housing estates

  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


The aim of this study is to examine the linkage between environmental theory and physical development such as housing estate developments. Firstly, this paper examines environmentalism to see varying approaches in the resolution of environmental problems. Here, Technocentrism, Econcentrism and Ecosocialism was seen as dominant theoretical approaches. Secondly, an international case study on ecological housing development was conducted. Four German, Australian, Japan and Korean examples were taken as cases which revealed a wide spectrum of development tendencies. An analytical framework of building methods evaluated by the environmental theories was established. And by evaluating the cases with this framework, we were able to find out the overall environmental character of each housing developments. The hypothesis of this paper is that these differences can be explained through the differences that exist in society which the theoretical represents. The research revealed strong linkage with social tendencies.



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