Typological Analysis of the Flexibility Concept for Sustainable Housing

지속가능한 주거 개발을 위한 가변성 개념의 유형학적 분석

  • 모정현 (연세대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이연숙 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Published : 2003.09.30


From an sustainable perspective, one unique characteristic of Open Housing is its ability to individualize variable elements (infill) from the permanent elements (support) in accordance with the residents' needs. Such environment-friendly elements of Open Housing can contribute to increasing the life span of the building, reducing the scope of reconstruction, and minimizing the amount of disposed building materials during demolition. The purpose of this research is to analyze the flexibility concept from a typological perspective, so that the concept of open housing can be better understood and its development can be promoted. The main method of this study was content analysis. Based on literature review of flexibility concept in a typological approach, a primary categories were established to describe the flexibility concept such as time for flexibility, scope, and the degree of openness. Subsequently each criterion was elaborated as follows: planning, supply, and utility in the time stage; internal and external flexibility in its scope; and fixed, semi-free, and free flexibility in its openness degree. This research exposes the lack of comprehensive knowledge of Open Housing caused by rather uniform features of previous studies. This research establishes and promotes a systematic approach for a more holistic meaning of Open Housing. This approach should contribute to the proper utilization and further development of sustainable housing.



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