Typological Study of the Planning Method in Open Housing

오픈하우징의 설계방식에 관한 유형체계 연구

  • 모정현 (연세대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이연숙 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.30


Open housing is an emerging, new concept in housing development that combines demand-orientation with environment-friendliness. Its methodology, however, has not been analyzed in a systematic way. In this study, the features of planning method in open housing were analyzed to systematize types of the planning method. The existing planning methods of open housing was reviewed and they can be classified into three approaches such as pattern, module and organization planning. Given three approaches, the existing planning methods of open housing can be sub-classified as follows; free and patterned planning by patterns, modular and non-modular planning by modules, and hierarchical and non-hierarchial planning by organizations. The framework for the typological analysis was made based on the classification and a composite typological system was drawn from the analysis of the existing planning features. The suggested classification of features in open housing is expected to contribute to the clear definition of characteristics on open housing to provide a basis for the concrete realization method, to analyzing problems with the existing planning methods and to providing their solutions.



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