The East Asiatic genera and endemic genera of the Pteridophytes in China

  • 투고 : 2003.04.01
  • 심사 : 2003.10.08
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


China, the largest country in East Asia, has a pteridoflora of over 2000 species, belonging to about 220 genera in 63 families. There are about 28 East Asiatic genera of Pteridophytes and 6 genera specifically endemic to China. Most of these genera are oligotypic or monotypic groups. Five distribution patterns of the East Asiatic genera are distinguished, i.e., I. Sino-Himalayan type, 10 genera; II. Sino-Japanese type, 4 genera; III. Japan-Himalayan type, 6 genera; IV. Temperate East Asiatic type, 3 genera; and V. Tropical East Asiatic type, 5 genera. The Chinese endemic genera are mainly distributed in southwestern China. The distribution, ecology, taxonomy, and systematics of these genera are discussed.



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