출산 전후 여성의 양육관련 신념 및 부모 효능감에 대한 연구

A Study on Childrearing Belief and Parental Efficacy

  • 박영애 (한남대학교 아동복지학) ;
  • 나종혜 (한남대학교 아동복지학)
  • Park, Young-Yae (Dept. of Child Devrlopment & Guidance, Hannam University) ;
  • Rha, Jong-Hay (Dept. of Child Devrlopment & Guidance, Hannam University)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.31


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between childrearing belief and parental efficacy of women before and after childbirth. For this purpose 253 pregnant women and 256 mothers with infants under one year of age were contacted and asked to fill in a packet of survey questionnaire at their visits to obstetrician, gynecologist and pediatrician. The questionnaire includes questions about what mothers value in childrearing, their expectations for their children and parental efficacy. Data collected were analyzed using SAS PC program. It was reported that comparing to mothers, pregnant women view childrearing in more ideal lights and expect their children to be more exceptional. Also working mothers reported comparatively lower parental efficacy than full-time mothers suggesting that social support system to minimize pressure coming from work for working mothers with young children should be provided and the parental education methods to enhance the parental efficacy should be sought.
