교육시설(敎育施設)의 리모델링을 위한 구성재료(構成材料)의 노후화(老朽化) 판정기준(判定基準) 작성(作成)(II) - 주요(主要) 구성부재(構造部材)의 노후도(老朽度) 종합판정방법(綜合判定方法) 제시(提示) -

Evaluation Method of Deterioration Grade for Remodeling Old Educational Facilities(II) - Synthetic Judgment Method of Deterioration Grade of Structural Components -

  • 발행 : 2003.09.15


Deterioration of the educational facilities built before 1985 is a serious situation. The purpose of this study is to present the efficient remodeling method of old educational facilities. This paper, part II, presents the systemic and synthetic judgment method of deterioration grade of structural components. Deterioration grade of the whole structural components are judged by synthetic evaluation score which is the total of the score of ten evaluation items. And we added the importance coefficient of the viewpoint of four performance to each evaluation item.



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