통합운영 중등학교 건축계획에 관한 연구

A Study on the Architectural Planning of Integrated Secondary School

  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


This study purpose is extract on the architectural principles and architectural planning direction for Integrated Secondary School. The integrated secondary school has an expectation of the total education environment in which has some problem as regional, teaching, treatment, establishment equipment part because of the based relative establishments are abolished. The expectations are the education effective rising, the reduce of the responsibility of the teacher, a smooth teacher placing and saving the educating estimate. As the new education course propulsion is raising the school and students discretion and expanding the way of educating, being close to the course of studies, the integrated operation is earnestly needed and such as these versatile background the small school will keep on getting integrated. Investigate about the senses of the manager and teachers, so after these reserch I've concluded these things below about the integrated secondary school.
