초등학교 공간계획을 위한 지역유형분류 및 특성분석 -서울·경기 지역을 중심으로-

A Study on Community Classification and Property Analysis for Space Planning of Elementary School -Focusing on the Seoul and Gyeonggi Province-

  • 이상민 (건국대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


This study has the purpose for analysis of each region's property in order to plan a elementary school's space according to community property. For this analysis. we used classification method through classification analysis. classification analysis is one of the useful statistical analysis methode for determining each region's policy through classifying regions which have a similar property. On this study, Seoul and Kyongkido is classified by 4 groups and each group has a different community property. Such a analysis is thought of helping establishing the objective. reasonable space-plan through comparative analysis between subjective claim and objective state indicator of each region.
