Experimental and Simulated Efficiency of a HPGe Detector in the Energy Range of $0.06{\sim}11$ MeV

  • Published : 2003.06.01


The full energy peak efficiency of a hyper pure germanium (HPGe) detector was calibrated in a wide energy range from 0.06 to 11 MeV. Both the experimental technique and the Monte Carlo method were used for the efficiency calibration. The measurement was performed using the standard radioisotopes in the low energy region of $60{\sim}1408$ keV, which was further extended up to 11 MeV by using the $^{14}N(n,r)\;and\;^{35}Cl(n,r)$ reactions. The GEANT Monte Carlo code was used for efficiency calculation. The calculated efficiency had the same dependency on the r-ray energy with the measurement, and the discrepancy between the calculation and the measurement was minimized by fine-tuning of the detector geometry. From the calculated result, the efficiency curve of the HPGe detector was reliably determined particularly in the high energy region above several MeV, where the number of measured efficiency points is relatively small despite the wide energy region. The calculated efficiency agreed with the measurement within about $7\%$. In addition to the efficiency calculation, the origin of the local minimum near 600 keV on the efficiency curve was analyzed as a general characteristics of a HPGe detector.



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