천해어장에서 인위적 환경훼손에 의한 어업생산 감소량 추정방법

A Quantitative Method for Estimating Damages in Fishery Production due to Artificial Environmental Deterioration in the Tidal Flat Fishing Grounds

  • PARK Joo Seok (Busan Fisheries Cooperative) ;
  • KANG Yong Joo (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University) ;
  • ZHANG Chang Ik (Department of Marine Production Management, Pukyong National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


A quantitative method was suggested for estimating damages in fishery production due to the diffusion and deposition of suspended silt and clay by various construction processes in tidal flat fishing grounds. Marine populations are maintained through the process of spawning, growth, recruitment, natural death and death by fishing each year. All of the year classes of the population in a fishery ground could be affected when damages occur by human activities such as land filling or reclamation. The propose of this study is to calculate damages in terms of fishery production using a quantitative population dynamic method. If the maximum age in the population is $X_\lambda,$ the starting year of damage is $t_s,$ and the ending year of damage is $t_e,$ the number of year classes damaged is $t_{s-n\lambda}-t_e,$ Many year classes present in the year $t_s,$ and so if damages occur, they Influence all the year classes which are present in the population. Damaged year classes in year $t_e$ would still be in the population until the year $t_{e+n\lambda}$, where $n_{\lambda}$ is the oldest age class. If the expected yield of a year class is constant, the total yield from year classes in the fishing ground during the construction periods can be calculated as follows: $Y_\Phi=[(t_e-t_s+1)+n_c]{\cdot}Y_E+\sum\limits^{n_\lambda-n_c}_{l=1}\;\sum\limits^{n_\lambda-n_c}_{l=i}\;Y_{n_c+i}$ This method was applied for damage estimation in the production of Ruditapes philippinarum in a tidal flat fishing ground.



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