Improved Human Factors of Electroluminescent Displays using Optical Interference Effect

  • Krasnov, Alexey N. (Luxell Technologies Inc.) ;
  • Kim, Woo-Young (Luxell Technologies Inc.)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.24


We discuss main techniques to improve legibility of electroluminescent displays. Emphasis is placed on use of destructive optical interference to cancel ambient light reflected from the back electrode of the device. Basic optical principles and material composition of the optical interference contrast-enhancing stack (CES) are presented. We also describe the improved human factors of electroluminescent devices assisted with a CES. Achromatic contrast is the most important contributor to display's legibility. In some conditions color contrast may also be important. Contributing to both luminance and color contrast enhancement, the contrast-enhancing stack may play an important role in various display applications.



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