The use of linear stochastic estimation for the reduction of data in the NIST aerodynamic database

  • Chen, Y. (Alan G. Davenport Wind Engineering Group, Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario) ;
  • Kopp, G.A. (Alan G. Davenport Wind Engineering Group, Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario) ;
  • Surry, D. (Alan G. Davenport Wind Engineering Group, Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario)
  • Received : 2002.08.15
  • Accepted : 2003.02.10
  • Published : 2003.04.25


This paper describes a simple and practical approach through the application of Linear Stochastic Estimation (LSE) to reconstruct wind-induced pressure time series from the covariance matrix for structural load analyses on a low building roof. The main application of this work would be the reduction of the data storage requirements for the NIST aerodynamic database. The approach is based on the assumption that a random pressure field can be estimated as a linear combination of some other known pressure time series by truncating nonlinear terms of a Taylor series expansion. Covariances between pressure time series to be simulated and reference time series are used to calculate the estimation coefficients. The performance using different LSE schemes with selected reference time series is demonstrated by the reconstruction of structural load time series in a corner bay for three typical wind directions. It is shown that LSE can simulate structural load time series accurately, given a handful of reference pressure taps (or even a single tap). The performance of LSE depends on the choice of the reference time series, which should be determined by considering the balance between the accuracy, data-storage requirements and the complexity of the approach. The approach should only be used for the determination of structural loads, since individual reconstructed pressure time series (for local load analyses) will have larger errors associated with them.



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