A Study of Internet Use by U.S. General Contractors

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


Internet use in the world is rapidly growing. The Internet Is affecting all aspects of life, as we know it. The world of business will probably be changed forever. The construction industry is a major part of the business world It is also seeing changes because of the Internet. This study is to provide the construction industry with an understanding of the current use of the Internet by U.S. general contractors. This study consisted of surveying construction general contractors with regards to their current and future Internet use. The study shows that Internet use by U.S. general contractors is the highest at what was identified as the support level . Use at the corporate level was second, while use at the project level was lower. This study demonstrates that companies of every size are using the Internet somehow in order to remain competitive and to enable improvement of performance.



  1. Bureau of Economics Analysis (BEA), http://www.bea.doc.gov(Jan.28.2003)
  2. Construuction Industry Institute (CII), 'Data interchange strategies in construction'. Source Document 57, 1990, Austin TX
  3. Construuction Industry Institute (CII), 'E-Commerce applications in construction', Research Summary 180-1, 2002, Austin TX
  4. North, H., Osbom, D., & Moloney, D., 'E-business today big tomorrow', E-Business, 2000, New York, New York
  5. Phair, M., & Angelo, W. J., 'Digital demands', Engineering News Records(ENR), March 24, 1997