A Study on Advanced Treatment of Sewage Wastewater by Eichhornia crassipes

부레옥잠을 이용한 생활하수의 고도처리에 관한 연구( I )

  • 정순형 (대구보건대학 보건환경과)
  • Published : 2003.09.25


The present time, water hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes) was widely used for a purification of a polluted lake, livestock wastewater and sewage wastewater treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate the propriety of sewage wastewater treatment by water hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes). On the study of optimal cultivation density, 3 kg/m$^2$ was selected for the most suitable initial cultivation density through the BOD, T-N and T-removal efficiency. In experiment of purification capacity, hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes) removed the 267.2 mg BOD/kg · day, 72 mg T-N/kg · day and 8.6 mg T-P/kg · day at 30 operation days respectively. The result showed that hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes) could be used for recovery of eutrophic lake effectively. In the test of optimal HRT(hydraulic retention time), 9 days was selected with the suitable HRT, and BOD, T-N and T-P were removed with 75%, T-N 88% and T-P 97% respectively.



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