건뇌음이 해마손상백서의 기억 및 학습기능 회복에 미치는 영향

Effects of Geonne-Eum on Learning and Memory Function in Model Rat Injured by Ibotenate

  • Rho Sang Yong (Oriental Medicine, Biomedical Research Center) ;
  • Eom Hyun Sup (Department of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Chi Gyoo Yong (Department of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


In order to make the efficient prescription and cope with various senile dementia, learning and memory functions of Sprague-Dawley model rats were tested with Morris water maze at first. And to evaluate the effects of the sample drug(GM) on choline acetyltranferase and acetylcholine esterase, immunoreactive measurement and enzymatic activity measuring were carried out. Rats were injected with ibotenic acid through hippocampus CA1 and CA3 area. The results are as following. GM improves the learning ability in tile acquisition test and memory function in the retention test significantly. And GM increases the level of ChAT which is synthesizing acetylcholine in CA3 area, and at the same time it increases the level of AChE which is resolving acetylcholine. These results show that GM improve the cholinergic catabolism and anabolism, and the increment of metabolic activity of cholinergic system contributes to the recovery of damaged learning and memory function by ibotenic acid. So it can be concluded that GM will be helpful to cholinergic brain disease induced by primary or senile reduction of acetylcholine secretive activity.



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