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- Eur. surg. Res v.19 Effects of beta-blocking agents on urinary excretion of 3-methylhistid- ine during experimental hyperthyroidism in rats. U. Angras,(et al.)
- Int. J. Biochem. v.25 no.4 effects of hyperthyroidism on glucose, glutamine and ketone-body metabolism in the gut of the rat. M. Salleh M. Ardawi;Samir M. Khoja
- Endocrinol Japan. v.38 no.6 Serum free triiodothyroni ne to free thyroxine ratio enables early prediction of the outcome of antithyroid drug therapy in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. Junichi Tajiri(et al.)
- Biochemica et Biophysica Acta v.1055 Hyperthyroidism results in increased glycolytic capacity in the rat geast. A 31P-NMR study. Anne-Marie L. Seymour(et al.)
- Endocrinology v.120 no.4 Protein degradation in skeletal muscle during experimental hyperthyroidism in rats and the effect of beta-blocking agents. Ulf Angeras;Per-Olof Hasselgren
- WB Saunders. Pathologic basis of disease.(4th Ed.) Cotran RS(et al.)
- WB Saunders. Textbook of surgery. The biological basis of modem surgical practice. Sabiston Jr DC
- Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol v.47 regression of cardiac hypertropoies of various origin. Beznak M.(et al)
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- Naunyn-Schimiedeb erg's Arch Phamacol. v.334 A unique pressor response to isoprenaline in the pithed rat during triiodo-L-thyronine(T3)-induced hyperthyroidism. Gozoh Tsujimoto;Keitaro Hashimoto
- Neuroendocrinology. v.50 Modulation of the neonatal pituitary and adrenocortical responses to stress by thyroid houmones in the rat: Effects of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroi dism. Claire-Dominique walker(et al.)
- J. Endocrinology. v.135 no.1 Relationship between the resting metabolic rate and hepatic metabolism in rats : effect of hyperthyroidism and fasting for 24 hours. S. Issoa(et al.)
- Endocrinology. v.129 no.1 Effects of hyperthyroidism on rat liver glutathione metabolism : Related enzymes' activities, efflux, andturnover. Virginia Fernandez(et al.)
- Lavoratory Investigation v.57 no.6 Regional changes in myocytes size and number in propranolol-treated hyperthyroid rats. A. Martin Gerdes(et al.)
- Endocrnology v.128 no.5 Effects of short and long duration hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism on the plasma adrenocorticotropin and corticosterone responses to ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone in rat. Themis C. Kalmilaris(et al.)
- J. Mol. Cell Cardiol. v.11 Surface morphology and cell size measurement of isolated rat cardiac myocytes. Bishop SP(et al.)
- JAMA v.247 A randomized trial of propranolol in patients with acute myocardial infarction. I. Mortality results. Beta-blocker thearattacker trial research group. Friedman LM(et al.)
- Br. Heart J. v.46 Left ventricular function and hyperthyroidism. Merillon JP(et al.)
- Ann. Nutr. Metab. v.25 Muscle protein breakdown in thyrotoxicosis assessed by urinary 3-methylhistidine excretion. Yates RO(et al.)
- Drugs. v.27 Use of beta-adrenoreceptor blocking drugs in hyperthyroidism. Feely J.;Peden N.