- 諸病源候論 南京中醫學院
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 新編黃帝內徑素問 王永
- 外臺秘要 王燾
- 脈經 王叔和
- 備急千金要方 孫思邈
- 太平聖惠方 王懷隱
- 東洋醫學大辭典 謝觀
- 중국의학사 홍원식
- 漢醫學大辭典 醫史文獻編 한의학대사전편찬위원회
- 동의학사전
- 病源辭典 海寗;吳克潛
- 中韓大辭典 康寔鎭(編)
- 明文漢韓大子典 金赫濟;金盛元(編著)
JebyeongwonhuronㆍYobaebyeonjehu is well organized and detailed is stated of classification and cause, mechanism of lumbago. That is divided into nine classes according to cause and symptoms of lumbago and described those respectively. Although there is some different, classification of lumbago after ages is based on this method in the main. The outbreak mechanism of lumbago can be stated that wicked germ invade into the body in condition that spirit and energy, especially the kidney energy is poor through various reason. That is stressed on interior factors. In the relation to organs, it is inferred that outbreak of lumbago have connection with the kidney deeply.