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- FASEB J. v.4 Role of oxygen free radicals in carcinogenesis and brain ischemia Floyd, R.A.
- J. Clin Invest. v.95 Modified low density lipoprotein and its constituents augment cytokine-activated vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 gene expression in human vascular endothelial cells Kham, B.V.;Pathasarathy, S.S.;Alexander, R.W.;Medford, R.M.
- J. Exp Neurol. v.124 Mechanisms of neurotrophic factor protection against calcium- and free radical mediated excitotoxic injury : Implications for treating neurogenerative disorders Mattson, M.P.;Cheng, B.;Smith-Swintosky, V.L.
- J. Physiol. v.394 Permeation and block of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor channels by divalent cautions in mouse cultured central neurons Mayer, M.L.;Westbrook, G.L.
- J. Neurosci Res. v.37 Oxygen radical-induced neurotoxicity in spinal cord neuron cultures Michikawa, M.;Lim, K.T.;McLamon, J.G.;Kim, S.U.
- J. Immunol. Methods. v.65 Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival : Application to proliferation and cytotoxic assays Mosmann, T.
- Hypertension. v.25 Hypertension and the pathogenesis of artherosclerosis. Oxidative stress and the mediation of arterial inflammatory response: A new perspective Alexander, R.W.
- J. Histochem. v.22 Cytochemical markers of ischemia in the heart and brain Borgers, M.;Vandeplassche, G.;van Reempts, J.
- Nature(London) v.336 NMDA receptors activate the arachidonic acid cascade system in striatal neurons Dumuis, A.;Sebben, M.;Haynes, L.;Pin, J.P.;Bockaert, J.
- J. Neurochem. v.59 Reactive oxygen species and the central nervous system Halliwell, B.
- J. Neurosci Res. v.25 Role of nerve growth factor in oxidant-antioxidant balanced and neuronal infury. Stimulation of hydrogen peroxide resistance Jackson, G.R.;Apfell, L.;Werrbach-Perex, K.;Perex-Polo, J.R.
- J. Tiss. Cult. Meth. v.9 A Simple quantitative procedure using monolayer culture for cytotoxicity assay (HTD/NR-90) Borenfreund, E.;Puerner, J.A.
- Chem. Pharm. v.35 no.1 Effect of Adriamycin on Cultured mouse embryo myocardial cells Takahashi, K.;Fujita, T.;Mayum, T.;Kish, T.
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.8 no.2 獨活類의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 林泰榮
- J. Neurochem. v.51 Excitatory amino acid release from rat hippocampal slices as a consequence of free-radical formation Pellegrini-Giampietro, D.E.;Cherici, G.;Alesiani, M.;Carrla, V.;Moroni, F.
- J. Neuropathol. Appl Neurobiol. v.20 Excitatory amino acids, free radicals and the pathogenesis of motor neuron disease Zeman, S.;Lioyd, C.;Meldrum, B.;Leigh, P.N.
- 대한동의병리학회지 v.12 no.1 人蔘이 산소유리기로 손상된 척수신경세포의 손상에 미치는 영향 田炳薰;姜益賢;文炳淳
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- Stroke v.14 A possible role of lipid peroxidation in cellular damages caused by cerebral ischemia and protective effect of alphatocopherol administration Yamamoto, M.;Scima, T.;Uozumi, T.;Yamada, K.;Kawasaki, T.
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