Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate (대한구순구개열학회지)
- Volume 6 Issue 1
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- Pages.1-15
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- 2003
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- 1229-0734(pISSN)
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- 2586-2359(eISSN)
A Cephalometric Analysis of Lateral Morphologic Feature in Adult Cleft Lip and Palate Patients
구순 구개열 환자의 성장 후 안모에 관한 두부방사선학적 계측
- Choi Sang-Hee (Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
- Chun Sang-Deuk (Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
- Yoon Hong-Sik (Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
- Lee Hee-Kyung (Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
Chin Byung-Rho
(Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
- 최상희 (영남대학교 의과대학 치과학 교실) ;
- 천상득 (영남대학교 의과대학 치과학 교실) ;
- 윤홍식 (영남대학교 의과대학 치과학 교실) ;
- 이희경 (영남대학교 의과대학 치과학 교실) ;
(영남대학교 의과대학 치과학 교실)
- Published : 2003.06.01
Cleft lip and palate deformity have unknown patterns of maxillofacial growth and development. The maxillofacial growth can be affected either by congenital or environmental factors such as infection and trauma. Surgical repair of cleft lip and palate may interfere the subsequent growth and development of maxillofacial region. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of development of maxillofacial region in adult cleft lip and palate patients and to compare post-treat-ment craniofacial morphology between cleft lip and palate patients with secondary alveolar bone graft group and normal group. The material for this study consisted of 20 adult male patients with cleft lip and palate(mean 22.5, range 18-31) visited in Yeungnam University medical center. Cephalometric tracing and measurements were done by one investigator. Results were followed: The values of Na. perpendicular to point A, SNA angle and Pogonion to Na. perpendicualrwere -4.93±5.70, 76.45±4.69, and -6.38±6.73. The values of effective maxillary length, effective mandibular length, mandibular plane angle and facial axis angle were 85.6±4. 42, 123.88±7.10, 29.9±5.09 and 5.53±2.03. The value of upper incisors to point A was 3.95±2.74.
이차골 이식술을 시행 받은 구순 구개열을 가지는 성인 남자 20명의 두부계측방사선 사진을 McNamara씨 분석법을 중심으로 하여 계측한 결과는 다음과 같다. 구순 구개열 환자에서 Na. perpendicualr to point A칼은 글.98±5.70, SWh angle 값은 76.45±4.69, Pogonion to Na. perpendicular간은 -6.38± 6.73을 나타내었다. Effective maxillary length는 85.6±4.42, effective mandibular length 값은 123.88±7.10을 보였고 하악각은 29.9±5.09, facial axis angle은 5.53±2.03으로 관찰되었다. Point A에 대해 상악 전치의 돌출도는 3.95±2.74의 값을 보였다.