기본 인명구조술 교육을 위한 CAI 코스웨어 개발 - 성인의 이물질에 의한 기도폐쇄를 중심으로 -

The development of CAl Courseware for Basic Life Support - Centered on the Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction in Adult-

  • 김미선 (광주보건대학 응급구조과)
  • Kim, Mi-Seon (Dept. of Emergency Medical Technology, Kwangju Health College)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


With the rapid development of information and communication technology, a lot of multi-media learning programs are being developed and reported in the field of Emergency medicine both home and abroad. In this connection, this study was aimed at developing a foreign-body airway obstruction courseware in adults for EMT. The development period of CAI courseware lasted from May 2003 through November 2003. Among CAI courseware patterns, private instruction and repeat practice and simulation patterns were used as an instruction-learning strategy. The learning contents of the CAI courseware consisted of five chapters concerning (1) A relief of partial FBAO in the responsible victim, (2) A relief of complete FBAO in the responsible victim, (3) In case of unconsciousness in the responsible victim without removing all foreign body, (4) In case of consciousness in all victims after getting removed all foreign body and (5) A complete airway obstruction in victims without consciousness on the basis of assess responsiveness and the degree of airway obstruction. The way to use this courseware, with just a click on one specific chapter, was developed to proceed a course with progressive algorithm, a method of solving problems by choosing one between two situations. A characteristic of this CAI courseware is the enhanced efficiency of an instruction-learning method by providing an opportunity of choice based on situations in its effort to encourage learners to use a self-initiated learning method, not one-way method and to enhance problem solving skills among situations. Moreover, this courseware went through the diverse phases such as development, application, feedback in connection with learning process by practicing teachers, so that the courseware could be used frequently in the future. The contents of this courseware were written with the web, so that, if necessary, the contents could be continuously modified and complemented and handed out in the form of CD-ROM. This study indicates that the development of a variety of CAI courseware requires institutional and financial assistance and initiatives reflecting a reality in terms of learning process, technical assistance and resources.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 광주보건대학