Influence of Hormones and Selection of Stable Cell Lines of Plumbago rosea for Accumulation of Plumbagin

  • Komaraiah P. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University) ;
  • Jogeswar G. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University) ;
  • Naga Amrutha R. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University) ;
  • Sri Laxmi P. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University) ;
  • Lavanya B. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University) ;
  • Rama Krishna S.V. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University) ;
  • Kavi Kishor P.B. (Department of Genetics, Osmania University)
  • Published : 2003.09.01


Callus and suspension cultures derived from leaf explants of Plumbago rosea were established on Murashige and Skoog's medium containing 1 mg/L IAA, 0.5 mg/L NAA and 0.3 mg/L BAP. Callus cultures were tested for their growth and accumulation of plumbagin, a naphthoquinone and was identified by $^1H$ NMR and electron ionization mass spectroscopy. While auxins (not 2,4-D) influenced growth and plumbagin accumulation, cytokinins did not influence them much. Increasing concentrations of IAA in presence of NAA and BAP increased plumbagin in suspensions only up to 1 mg/L. Growth of callus was optimum (8.3 g DCW/I) at a hormonal combination of 1.5 mg/L IAA, 0.5 mg/L NAA and 0.3 mg/L BAP, but high plumbagin accumulation (4.9 mg/g DCW) was recorded at 1.0 mg/L IAA plus 0.3 mg/L BAP. Since instability in growth and secondary metabolite accumulation was noticed, several cell lines/clumps of callus were screened for plumbagin accumulation by visual and analytical methods. Biomass and accumulation of plumbagin showed a negative correlation in several cell lines. But one cell line showed stability both in terms of biomass and plumbagin accumulation over a period of 6 months.



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